Prayer Chain
If you have a prayer request or would like to be a link on our prayer chain please call Dyan Dunsworth @ 573-286-5739
Prayer Room
Did you know that we have a prayer room?
Well, we do. When you feel the need to have some quiet time and just sit and reflect and pray and talk to God then you're welcome to come into God's Prayer Room during services. There are also people that are more than willing to come and pray with you. Also, we are looking for people to come in and pray for our services. Pray for our Pastors, our Deacons and all the Leaders. Pray for our congregation. Pray that someone hears the message that's being taught and puts it into action. Pray for our community and the ability to reach the lost. Pray for our children who are growing up in a secular world. There is nothing more satisfying than being in the presence of God.
If you want to use any of our rooms, please reserve them. The sign up sheet is located in the hall outside the Church Office and the Prayer Room.
Christmas Shoebox Ministry
PRAISE GOD! WE HAVE MET OUR GOAL! Thank you to everyone who has participated in this year's giving to Operation Christmas Child. Your donations will help to spread the gospel of Our Lord and Savior all over the world. HE is large and in charge and we give HIM all the praise.