Constitution & By-laws



First Baptist Church Laurie, Missouri

220 Fairgrounds Drive

Laurie, MO 65038

(573) 374-7073


Constitution And




Having been led, as we believe, by the Spirit of God, to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour, and on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost,

We do now in the presence of God, angels, and this assembly, most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another, as one body in Christ.

We engage therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to walk together in Christian love; to strive for the advancement of this church in knowledge, holiness and comfort;

To promote its prosperity and spirituality; to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline, and doctrines;

To contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the gospel through all nations.

We also engage to maintain family and personal devotions; to religiously educate our children; to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintances; to walk circumspectly in the world, to be just in our dealings, faithful in our engagements, and exemplary in our deportment;


To avoid all tattling, backbiting and excessive anger; to abstain from the sale and use of intoxicating drinks as a beverage, and to be zealous in our efforts to advance the kingdom of our Saviour.

We further engage to watch over one another in brotherly love; to remember each other in prayer; to aid each other in sickness and distress; to cultivate Christian sympathy in feeling and courtesy is speech; to be slow to take offense, but always ready for reconciliation, and mindful of the rules of our Saviour to secure it without delay.


We moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church, where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God’s Word.




We declare and establish this Constitution in order to preserve and secure the principles of our faith, and to govern the body in an orderly manner. This Constitution will provide the basis for the preservation of the liberty of each individual church member and the freedom of interaction between this body and other churches.



This body shall be known as First Baptist Church, Laurie, Missouri



The purpose of this body will be to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world through the maturing Christ-like conduct and faithful witness of its members.    A program of education and worship consistent with the Holy Scriptures will be followed under the leadership of the Holy Spirit to enable members to accomplish this purpose.



The Holy Bible is the inspired Word of God, and is the basis for any statement of faith. The church subscribes to the doctrinal statement of “The Baptist Faith and Message” as adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention. We band ourselves together as a body of baptized believers in Jesus Christ, personally committed to sharing the Good News of Salvation to lost

mankind. The ordinances of the church are scriptural baptism (by immersion) and the Lord’s Supper.

Our statement of faith, the Baptist Faith and Message (2000), expresses our fundamental biblical conviction that Christian marriage is, by definition, the spiritual and physical uniting of one man and one woman in an exclusive covenant commitment for their joint lifetime. Christian marriage is God’s unique gift to reveal the union between Christ and His Church. As such, this local church believes that wedding ceremonies on church property are spiritual observances of worship of God who created this divine institution. As worship services, weddings on church property shall be officiated by one or more ordained ministers of the gospel. The church may decline to make its facilities or ministers available for any wedding if it is determined that one or both of the parties are not biblically and / or legally qualified to marry. Such determinations may be made by the (pastor, church council, or wedding committee, etc.), subject to the direction of the church.

No minister (or employee) of the church shall officiate at any marriage ceremony unless such marriage is consistent with this policy.



This church shall be governed by and with the consent of its members, each of whom shall have equal right as to voice and vote, without preference one over another. In matters concerning expenditures of money, policy, discipline or pastor termination, voting members must be at least 16 years old.




































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    1. This is a sovereign and democratic Baptist church under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. The membership retains unto itself the exclusive right of self-government in all the phases of the spiritual and temporal life of this church.
    2. The membership reserves the exclusive right to determine who shall be members of the church and the conditions of such membership.
    1. The membership shall consist of such persons as profess faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, giving evidence of having been born of the spirit, and shall be received as listed below.
    2. By baptism of immersion by this church.
    3. By letter of commendation from another church of like faith and order.
    4. By statement of having received salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and not of works, and who was baptized by immersion after salvation.
    5. Acceptance must be by vote of the membership at any scheduled meeting of the church.
    1.     Members are expected, first of all, to be faithful in all the duties essential to the Christian life; to faithfully attend the services of this church, to give regularly to its support and its causes, and to share in its organized work.


  1.     The Pastor and Deacons shall constitute a Committee on Discipline. They shall seek an interview with all members violating their covenant obligations or conducting themselves in anyway and in such manner to bring reproach upon the church, and shall

endeavor to restore them to the fellowship. Failing restoration, they shall report the offender to the church for discipline.



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    4.2.        In all cases of grievances between members, the offenders shall be dealt with in accordance with the rules laid down in the 18th chapter of Matthew, and no complaint shall be brought before the church until this course has been pursued. Charges, when made, must be in writing and shall be submitted to the Committee on Discipline for such actions as is deemed necessary and proper. In all cases, if practical, persons accused shall be given an opportunity to be heard, and no member, if absent, shall be censored or excluded at the same meeting, at which such charge is brought against him or her.


      1.     Any person whose membership has been terminated for any cause which has made it necessary for the church to exclude him or her from the membership, after having shown evidence of repentance and reformation, may at his or her request, be reinstated by a three fourths affirmative vote of the church.




  1.     Letters of transfer shall be granted on any request to any church of like faith and order and membership in this church shall terminate by a majority vote of the church.


      1.     When notified that a member has joined a church of different faith and order, membership in this church shall terminate by a vote of the church.


      1. Membership shall terminate upon death of a member.


      1. Membership shall terminate upon request of said member.





  1.     New members of the church shall be encouraged to attend a special orientation class for new members. This class shall cover such subjects as “What Baptist Believe”, based on “The Baptist Faith and Message”, the operation and cooperation with the

Missouri Baptist Convention; Southern Baptist Convention; The Lamine Baptist Association; The Cooperative Program; The Constitution and Bylaws of this church, and responsibility of membership.






  1.     This church shall receive as a candidate for baptism any person who has received Christ as Savior by faith, who professes Him publicly, and who has indicated a commitment to follow Christ as Lord.


      1. Baptism shall be by immersion in water at any location agreed upon by the church.


      1. The Pastor, or whomever the church shall authorize, shall administer baptism.


      1.     A person who professes Christ and is not baptized after a reasonable length of time shall be counseled by the Pastor and /or staff or Deacons.




  1. The church shall observe the Lord’s Supper at least quarterly, unless otherwise scheduled by the church.


    1. The Pastor and Deacons shall administer the Lord’s Supper, the Deacons being responsible for the physical preparation.


      1.     The observance of the Lord’s Supper is open to all believers in Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord.







  1.     The church shall meet regularly each Sunday morning, Sunday evening and Wednesday evening for Worship of Almighty God. Prayer, praise, preaching, instruction and evangelism shall be the purpose of these services.




  1.     Revival Services and any other meetings essential to the advancement of the church’s objectives may be scheduled.

    2.2.    WEDDINGS


Policies covering the wedding ceremony and use of church building and facilities shall be found in the church’s policy file which is kept in the church secretaries’ office.




  1.     The church shall meet once a month, at a time and date voted on by the membership, to conduct the affairs of the church.


      1.     Special Business Meetings may and shall be called by the moderator when requested by the Pastor, Deacons, Trustees, and Pulpit Committee, or by any standing committee.


    1.     A request for a special business meeting must be given by the moderator in two consecutive services, one of which must be a Sunday Morning Service, unless extreme urgency renders such notice impractical.


    1. QUORUM


  1.     The quorum shall consist of 10% of resident members or no less than ten members eligible to vote attending the business meetings provided it is a regular meeting, or one that is properly called.


      1.     All members of the church shall have equal vote on all matters brought before the church, except as stipulated in item 4 of the Constitution.


      1.     Items of business brought before the church will be voted by voice unless otherwise requested. Request for secret ballot will be without contest.
      1. “ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER, REVISED” shall be the guide for parliamentary rules of procedure for all business meetings of the church.



  1.     All who serve, as elected officers of the First Baptist Church, Laurie, Missouri shall be members of this church.

4.1.2        Resignation from any elected office will be furnished in writing to the church at a business meeting, and accepted without vote.



      1.     The officers of this church shall be the Pastor, the Deacons, the Trustees, Moderator, Clerk, Assistant Clerk, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Chairman of the Ushers, Financial Secretary, Sunday School Director and Assistant Sunday School Director.
      1.     The Pastor is responsible for leading the church to function as a New Testament Church.
      2.     The Pastor will lead the congregation, the organizations, and the Church Staff to perform their tasks.
      3. The Pastor is the leader of Pastoral Ministries of the church and as such shall lead the church in the achievement of its ministries, proclaim the gospel to believers and unbelievers, care for the church members and other persons in the community and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.
      1. A Pastor shall be selected and called by the church whenever a vacancy occurs
      2. A Pastor Search Committee consisting of at least five members shall be elected by the church to seek a suitable Pastor.


  1. The first duty of the Pastor Search Committee shall be to seek a person to serve as “Interim Pastor” or “Transitional Pastor” until such time as a Pastor is called. Election by the church will be necessary for call as Interim Pastor or Transitional

Pastor. Articles 4.5.2-3-4-5 shall govern the selection, except the Interim Pastor shall be employed on a month-to-month basis and the Transitional Pastor will abide by the agreed upon covenant between he and the church.




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 5.2.        The Pastor Search Committee shall bring to the consideration of the church only one name at a time for Pastor, and its recommendation shall constitute a nomination.


      1. The election shall take place at a special business meeting called for that purpose.


      1.     Election shall be by secret ballot and an affirmative vote of three-fourths majority of members present being necessary for a call. The Pastor thus elected shall serve until the relationship is terminated as declared by these bylaws.


    1. The conditions of the call of a Pastor shall be clearly stipulated at the time of call. Such conditions shall include matters of housing, vacation, pension and other compensations. These conditions may be modified from time to time upon consideration and vote of the membership.




  1.     The Pastor may resign the office of Pastor by giving written notice two weeks in advance of resignation. No severance pay will be paid in the event of resignations.


      1.     The church may declare the office of the Pastor to be vacant. Such action shall take place at a special meeting called for that purpose. The special meeting may be called upon the recommendation of the Deacons, or by written petition signed by not less

than one-fourth of the resident church members. The Moderator for this meeting shall be the Chairman of the Deacons.


      1.     The vote to declare the Office of Pastor vacant shall be by secret ballot. A simple majority of the voting members will be necessary to declare the office vacant.
      2.     The Pastor thus removed from office will be compensated with not less than one month’s compensation.
      3.     The termination shall be immediate and the compensation shall be tendered within thirty days.


  1. In the event the Pastor is unable to fulfill his duties due to illness, vacation, resignation, termination, etc., it shall be the responsibility of the Deacons to seek a “Supply Pastor” to serve until such time as the Pastor, or Interim Pastor or a newly called Pastor can assume the duties of the church.

    8.    THE DEACONS


  1.     Those elected to the office of Deacon shall meet the requirements of the office as set forth in 1 Timothy 3:8-13, which shall be interpreted to mean that a Deacon should be:


  1. Of good Christian character, b.Exemplary in stewardship,
  1. Sound in doctrine,
  2. One who has served as a faithful member of this church for no less than one year,
  3. Exemplary in family relations.


      1.     There shall be eight active Deacons elected for the first one hundred resident members, and one for each fifty additional members or major portion thereof.


      1.     The Deacons will prepare and assist the Pastor in the ordinances of Baptism and “The Lord’s Supper”, and shall cooperate with the Pastor in the ministry of the church.


      1. A Deacon Benevolent Fund shall be established to be used in the ministry of the Deacons. Funds for this ministry shall be provided in the church budget. Expenditures for this shall be the sole responsibility of the active Deacons, and no public accounting of these funds shall be required. The Deacons will maintain a

checking account of these funds.



      1. The Pastor and at least one Deacon may disburse up to $50.00 a month for relief in emergency situations. This money is not to be taken from the Deacon Benevolent Fund.
      2. In the absence of a Pastor, the Deacons will assume the administrative and spiritual responsibilities of the church.
      1. At the May Business Meeting, the church members will be invited to place in nomination the names of inactive Deacons, Deacons whose term expires and unordained men qualified to serve as Deacons. All nominees named who indicate a willingness to serve and are adjudged qualified by the Pastor and active Deacons will be placed on a Deacon Selection Ballot to be voted on by the church at the June Business Meeting. Those men receiving the most votes shall be elected to fill expired or otherwise vacant positions on the Deacon Roster.

    5.9.2.        In the event that unordained men are elected to the office of Deacon, they will, as soon as possible, begin a Deacon orientation period, after which a Deacon Ordination Service will be held.

  •     Active Deacons shall be elected to serve a term of three years. In the event of death, incapacity, resignation, termination or transfer of membership, the church may elect to fill the unexpired term at the request of the Deacon Body.
  •     Prior to the beginning of the church year, the Deacons with unexpiring terms and Deacons elect will choose from their ranks a Chairman of Deacons, a Vice Chairman and a Secretary-Treasurer.

4.9.4.A        Any chairman of Deacons shall not succeed himself in office more than two consecutive years.

      1.     The Vice-Chairman will assume all the responsibilities of the Chairman, as written here, in the absence of the Chairman.
      1. There shall be three Trustees who shall also serve as “Directors of the Corporation”.
      2.     Trustees shall be elected for a term of three years with one Trustee being elected each successive year. Those elected to the office of Trustee shall meet the requirements of the office whereas the Trustee should be:
        1. Of good Christian character, b.Exemplary in stewardship,
  1. Sound in doctrine,
  2. One who has served as a faithful member of this church for no less than one year,
  3. Exemplary in family relations.


      1.     The Trustees shall elect their own officers. Officers of the Trustees shall be President, Vice President, and Secretary. These officers will be the Officers of the Corporation.
      2.     The Trustees shall be responsible for the upkeep and care of all church property. The church will provide budgeted funds for such upkeep and maintenance, including hazard and casualty insurance coverage. The Trustees shall have the liberty to expend the budgeted funds with discretion and wisdom in maintaining the property.

    5.        No major alteration shall be undertaken without church action, nor shall any improvement be taken without church action; except that in an emergency the Trustees may spend up to $500.00 without church approval.

  •     The Trustees shall be the legal representatives of the church in the execution of all contracts relative to business affairs particularly in the transfer and acceptance of property under the direction of the church.
      1.     By virtue of this office, the Pastor shall be the Moderator and shall preside at all Business Meetings. In the absence of the Moderator, the Chairman of Deacons shall preside, or in the absence of both, the Clerk shall call the meeting to order and preside for the election of a Moderator Pro-tem.
    2. THE CLERK
      1.     The church shall elect a Clerk annually. The Clerk shall be responsible for keeping a suitable record of all official action of the church, except as otherwise provided herein.
      2.     The Clerk shall issue letters of dismissal or transfer, voted on by the church and preserve on file all communication and written official reports and give required notice of all meetings where notice is necessary as indicated in these bylaws.
      3.     The Clerk shall take the minutes of all Business Meetings and keep a signed attendance record of all members attending said meetings and this attendance record shall be attached to and become a part of the minutes.
      4.     The Clerk shall be responsible for preparing the Annual Letter of the Church to the association.
      5.     All such records of the Clerk, as listed herein, are church property and shall be kept in the church office as long as an office is maintained.
      1.     The church shall elect an Assistant Clerk annually. The Assistant Clerk shall serve in the absence of the Clerk and perform all the Clerk duties as specified in these bylaws.

    5.14.    THE TREASURER

  1.     The church shall elect a Treasurer annually as its financial officer. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive, preserve and disburse all money given to the church, keeping an itemized account of all receipts and disbursements.
  2.     It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to present to the church at each Business Meeting an itemized report of the receipts and disbursements of the preceding month.
  3.     An annual audit of the Treasurer’s Report and records shall be provided under the direction of the Budget and Finance Committee.
  4.     Upon tendering the actual account at the end of each church year, and its accepted approval by the church, the records shall be delivered by the Treasurer to the church and the church shall keep and preserve these records as part of the permanent

records of the church.

      1. The Treasurer shall be bonded by the church.
      1.     The church shall elect as many assistant Treasurers as deemed necessary to insure the fulfillment of the financial obligations of the church. These Assistant Treasurers shall be elected annually.
      2.     The Assistant Treasurer shall perform all the functions of the Treasurer in his or her absence.
      3.     At least one Assistant Treasurer shall assist the acting Treasurer in the counting of the tithes and offerings and all Assistant Treasurers shall be bonded by the church.
      1.     The church shall elect a Financial Secretary annually and it shall be the responsibility of the Financial Secretary to receive and record the names of those donors from checks and envelopes for individual credit and shall be responsible for preparing and mailing or delivering statements periodically to contributors.
      2.     The records of the Financial Secretary shall be held in strict confidence and shall not be open to public perusal.


  1.     The church shall elect a chairman of Ushers annually and he shall search out sufficient persons to serve as Ushers.
  2.     The Ushers shall care for the seating and comfort of the congregation and the greeting and introduction of visitors.
  3. The Ushers shall prevent interruptions and distractions during the church services.
  4. The Ushers shall collect the tithes and offerings and record attendance.
  1.     The church shall elect a Sunday School Director annually and it shall be the responsibility of the Sunday School Director to maintain an active Sunday School program.
  2.     It shall be the responsibility of the Sunday School Director to insure that each class has a teacher each Sunday.
  3.     The Director and the elected teacher for each class shall appoint an alternate teacher who will teach when the elected teacher is absent. Teachers shall notify the Director when they will be absent so the alternate teacher has time to prepare for class.
  4.     The Director shall be responsible for ordering all Sunday School literature and supplies.
  5.     The Director shall maintain accurate attendance records and insure that each class has their attendance book at the beginning of class.
  6. The Director shall give a written report at each monthly business meeting.
  7. The Director shall meet with the Sunday School teachers at least once a quarter.
  1.     The church shall elect an Assistant Sunday School Director annually and the Assistant Director shall assume all the duties of the Sunday School Director in the absence of the Director.




  1.     All committee chairpersons shall be elected annually by the church for a one year period and may succeed themselves in office unless otherwise stated herein.
  2.     All committee chairpersons shall select their own committee members except otherwise provided herein.
  3.     All chairpersons and committee members shall be members of the First Baptist Church, Laurie, Missouri.
  4. Resignation of chairpersons will be in writing and presented to the Clerk.
  5.     There shall be job descriptions written for each standing committee and presented to the membership for approval, and upon approval these job descriptions shall be attached to and become a part of the Bylaws with the exception of the “Budget and Finance Committee”, and the “Nominating Committee” which shall be covered herein.
    1.     The job descriptions written for the Pastor and all other job descriptions for the staff and committees shall be adopted and made a part of the constitution & bylaws.
    2.     The Pastor will be evaluated every 6 months for the first year and once every year thereafter.
  6. The Standing Committees are:


  1. Budget & Finance    K. Telephone Contact
  2. Nominating    L. Visitation
  3. Fellowship    M. Scholarship
  4. Constitution & Bylaws    N. Music
  5. Baptism    O. Floral & Decoration
  6. Evangelism & Mission    P. Youth
  7. Nursery    Q. Media
  8. Kitchen    R. Audio-Visual
  9. Usher    S. AWANA
  10. Historical    T. Children’s Church



  1.     This committee shall be composed of the Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and Financial Secretary by virtue of their offices.
  2.     The Nominating Committee shall nominate for election, four additional members whose term of office shall be for one year with no elected member serving more than three consecutive years. The committee shall elect their own Chairperson.


      1.     All financial matters and expenditures not authorized by the budget or bylaws must be presented to the Budget and Finance Committee for recommendation. Any such expenditures must be approved by the church.


      1.     Immediately upon passage of the annual budget, this committee shall present a recommendation for approval concerning the Pastor’ s package, which shall contain salary, housing allowance, annuity, insurance, and travel allowance.
      2.     The Pastor and his family may be excused from the meeting during the discussion of any motion concerning the Pastors financial package and the vote may be by secret ballot.
      3.     The annual audit of the Treasurer’s reports shall be the responsibility of this committee. This may be done by a special committee appointed for this purpose, or by a public accountant.
      1.     The Nominating Committee shall consist of five persons, two appointed by the moderator and three elected by the church at the February business meeting. They shall serve a term of one year or until their successors have been elected. The committee shall elect its own chairperson.
      2.     The Nominating Committee shall select a nominee for chairperson of each committee, office and organization unless otherwise stated herein. They shall also select a Sunday School teacher for each class, leaving the alternate teacher being selected by the elected teacher and the Sunday School Director. They shall

bring such nominations to the church for election at the April business meeting. All elected nominees will take office at the July business meeting, unless otherwise stated herein.

    1.     At any time during the year that a vacancy occurs in any elected position the Nominating Committee shall nominate a replacement unless it is otherwise stated herein.



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    1. Personnel of the Ministerial Staff will be chosen by a committee elected for that specific purpose. The committee’s recommendation shall constitute a nomination. Election shall be by ballot, and an affirmative vote of three-fourths of those voting members present being necessary for a call.
      1. The person thus elected shall serve until the relationship is terminated by his request or the church’s request.
      1. The Church Secretary shall be responsible for all church related clerical work of the Pastor and Ministerial Staff.
      2. The Church Secretary, whenever possible, shall be employed and/or terminated by joint action of the active Deacon body and the Pastor.
      3. The Church Secretary shall be a member of the church.

6.2.4.        The Church Secretary’s salary will be determined by the Budget and Finance Committee at the time of hiring.

      1. The Church Custodian shall be hired by the Trustees and, whenever possible, shall be a member of the church.
      2. Salary will be determined by the Trustees at the time of hiring unless the amount exceeds the budgeted amount, in which case it must be brought to the Budget & Finance committee for recommendation to the church membership.
      3. A job description will be voted on for the Custodian and will be attached to and become a part of these bylaws.







  1. The Church Council shall serve the church by leading in planning, coordinating, conducting, and evaluating the ministries and progress of the church and its organizations.


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    10.1.2.        The function of the Church Council shall be to recommend to the church suggested objectives and church goals; to review and coordinate ministry and program plans recommended by church officers, organizations, and committees; and to evaluate achievements in terms of church objectives and goals.

  •     All matters agreed upon by the Council which call for action, not already approved, shall be referred to the church for approval or disapproval.
      1.     Members of the Church Council shall be the Pastor, staff members, directors of church program organizations, chairman of Deacons, Trustees and chairpersons of active committees.
      2. By virtue of his office, the Pastor shall be Chairman of the Council.
      1. The Church Council may meet as necessary, but at least once each quarter.







    1.     The church shall maintain programs of Bible teaching, church member training, church leader training, new member orientation, mission education, music education training and performance. All organizations related to the church program shall be under church guidance. All officers elected by the church shall report regularly to the church. Program activities shall be subject to church coordination and approval.
    1.     The Sunday School shall be the basic organization for the Bible teaching program. Its task shall be to teach Biblical truth, reach persons for Christ and church membership, and to provide and interpret information regarding the work of the church and denomination.
    2.     The Bible study program shall have such officers and organizations, as the program requires.


  1.     Woman’s Missionary Union shall be the mission education, mission action, and mission support organization of the church for women, young women, girls and preschool children. Its task shall be to teach missions, engage in mission action, support world missions, provide and interpret information regarding the work of the church and denomination.
  2.     Women’s Missionary Union shall have such officers and organizations, as the program requires.
  3.     The Brotherhood shall be the mission education, mission action and mission support organization of the church for men, young men and boys. Its task shall be to teach mission action, support world missions, and provide and interpret information regarding the work of the church and denomination.
  1.     Under the direction of the church elected music director or professional Minister of Music, the church music organization shall be the education, training, and performance organization of the church. Its task shall be to teach music, train persons to lead, sing and play music, interpret information regarding the work of the church and denomination.
  2.     The church music program shall have such officers and organizations as the program requires.





  1.     The church shall cooperate with the Southern Baptist Convention, the Missouri Baptist Convention, and the Lamine Baptist Association provided these continue their present doctrinal, evangelistic and missionary policies.
  2.     The chairman of Deacons shall represent the church on the Lamine Baptist Association Executive Board as the elected representative of this church.
  3.     Messengers to the Lamine Baptist Association, Missouri Baptist Convention and Southern Baptist Convention will be elected as needed.





  1.     Changes in the Constitution and Bylaws may be made at any regular business meeting of the church, provided each amendment has been presented in writing at a previous regular business meeting and copies of the proposed amendment shall

have been furnished to each member present at the earlier meeting. Amendments to the Constitution and/or Bylaws shall be by two-thirds vote of the church members present.





    1.     The First Baptist Church, Laurie, Missouri has status as a General Not For Profit Corporation under the requirements of the Secretary of State for the State of Missouri, and has Tax Exempt Status under the provisions of the Internal

Revenue Service of our Nation and the provisions of the United States Internal Revenue Code 501 (C) (3), as an auxiliary member of the Southern Baptist/Missouri Baptist Convention.

      1.     This Corporation is organized exclusively for religious, charitable, educational and scientific purposes, including for such purposes, the making and distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under 501 (C) (3) of the

Internal Revenue Service Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provisions of any future United States Internal Revenue Law).

      1.     Notwithstanding any other provision of these Bylaws, the Corporation shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from Federal Income Tax under 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 ( or the corresponding provisions of any future United States Internal

Revenue Law ) or (b) by a corporation, contributions to which are deductible under 170 (C) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 ( or the corresponding provisions of any future United States Internal Revenue Law ).









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    10.1.4.        In the event of the termination or dissolution or closure of the corporation known as “The First Baptist Church, Laurie, Missouri”, the Board of Directors shall, after retiring all debts and liabilities against the Corporation, sell off all remaining properties and the assets derived thereof and any additional remaining assets, if any, shall then be distributed to one or more non-profit corporations or charities as may be elected by the board of Directors of the First Baptist Church, Laurie,

Missouri. No monies can be distributed to any individual or groups of individuals or members

of the Corporation directly or indirectly for their personal gain.




Revised August 1995


Amended April 2003


Amended June 2011


Amended June 2012


Amended September 2012


Amended May 2014


Amended October 2016























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