FBC Job Descriptions updated July 2015



July 2015

Job Descriptions: 


Assistant Clerk

  1. See Constitution and Bylaws

  2. All procedures for the clerk shall also apply to the assistant clerk.


Assistant Sunday School Director

  1. See Constitution and Bylaws

  2. All procedures for the director shall also apply to the assistant director.


Assistant Treasurer

  1. See Constitution and Bylaws

  2. All procedures for the treasurer shall also apply to the assistant treasurer.


Audio-Visual Committee

A. The committee shall be responsible for providing audio and video for church functions (Sunday sermons, special events, Awana’s and other the church may require) in the form of microphones, videos, recordings, and computer projections both video and text. To maintain equipment and purchase equipment as deemed necessary to perform these duties. This committee shall have a minimum of 4 to 6 persons trained and qualified to operate the equipment.


Baptism Committee

  1. The committee shall consist of four members, two women and two men. The committee shall assist all candidates in preparation for baptism and have general oversight of material and equipment necessary for the appropriate administration of the ordinance of Baptism.

  2. Committee chairperson shall give a written report at all business meetings and attend council meetings.

  3. Resignations from this committee shall be given to the chairperson, who shall inform the church. Resignations from the chairperson will be given to the clerk in writing. All resignations will be accepted without discussion or vote.

  4. It is the duty of the chairperson to obtain replacements of any committee members.


Budget and Finance Committee

A. See Constitution and Bylaws.

B. Resignations from this committee shall be given to the chairperson who shall inform the church. Resignations from the chairperson will be given to the clerk in writing. All resignations will be accepted without discussion or vote.



Church Clerk

A. See Constitution and Bylaws


Church Secretary

A. See Constitution and Bylaws


Church Council

A. See Constitution and Bylaws



  1. See Constitution and Bylaws

  2. The custodian shall keep the premises of the church neat, clean and tidy at all times.

  3. He/she shall clean the church premises at least once weekly

  4. He/she shall report anything in need of repair to the trustees.


Constitution and Bylaws Committee

  1. The committee shall consist of at least five members. They will be responsible for maintaining and keeping the Constitution and Bylaws current. When any item of the bylaws is to be changed, the committee will meet to incorporate the change.

  2. Suggestions for change in the Constitution and Bylaws may be submitted in writing to this committee. They will review the change and recommend the change to the church, per Article 10 of the Constitution and Bylaws, within 60 days of submission. This committee shall also review, edit and recommend to the Church, changes in the Constitution and Bylaws, that church members or committees have submitted in writing, at a regular business meeting, in accordance with the Bylaws.

  3. The chairperson of this committee shall give a report to the church at a regular business meeting.

  4. Resignations from this committee shall be given to the chairperson who shall inform the church. Resignations from the chairperson will be given to the clerk in writing. All resignations will be accepted without discussion or vote.

  5. It is the duty of the chairperson to obtain replacements of any committee members.



A. See Constitution and Bylaws


Evangelism and Missions Committee

  1. The committee shall consist of at least five members, to include the music director and one deacon.

  2. The chairperson of this committee shall also serve on the Visitation Committee.

  3. This committee shall work with the pastor in the selection of the evangelist for revival services.

  4. This committee shall assist the pastor in counseling those who manifest an interest in their spiritual condition.

  5. They shall assist with counseling people during revival services and other special sessions.

  6. It shall be the duty of this committee to represent the church in the evangelism and missions programs of the association.

  7. The chairperson will give a written report to the church at the regular business meeting.

  8. Resignations from this committee shall be given to the chairperson who shall inform the church. Resignations from the chairperson will be given to the clerk in writing. All resignations will be accepted without discussion or vote.

  9. It is the duty of the chairperson to obtain replacements of any committee members.


Fellowship Committee

  1. The committee will consist of at least three members of the church.

  2. The duties of this committee shall be to coordinate the activities involving the church families and friends. This can include any activity not specified on the church calendar and in agreement with the members of the church.

  3. This committee shall work closely with the kitchen committee.

  4. The chairperson will make a written report to the church at the regular business meeting.

  5. Resignations from this committee shall be given to the chairperson who shall inform the church. Resignations from the chairperson will be given to the clerk in writing. All resignations will be accepted without discussion or vote.

  6. It is the duty of the chairperson to obtain replacements of any committee members.


Financial Secretary

  1. See Constitution and Bylaws

  2. Resignations from the financial secretary will be given to the clerk in writing. All resignations will be accepted without discussion or vote.


Floral and Decorating Committee

  1. The committee shall consist of at least three members.

  2. It is the duty of this committee to attend to the decorating of the church for any special events or holidays. The floral arrangements and decorations for the church platform or alter table, and the cloths used should be maintained and kept clean.

  3. The committee shall send flowers to the sick, when hospitalized, in the name of the church and the members.

  4. In the event a member requests no flowers, none will be sent. If requested, a Bible will be sent in lieu of flowers.

  5. The committee shall send flowers (in case of death) for all members and the immediate family of all members (immediate family shall mean father, mother, stepfather, stepmother, foster father, foster mother, or son, daughter, stepson, stepdaughter, foster son or foster daughter).

  6. A memorial gift (not to exceed $50.00) can be sent in lieu of flowers or a Bible.

  7. The committee chairperson shall give a written report to the church at the business meeting.

  8. Resignations from the committee shall be given to the chairperson and he / she will inform the church at the business meeting. Resignations will be accepted without discussion or vote. In case resignation is from the chairperson, he or she will inform the clerk in writing, who will inform the church.

  9. It is the duty of the chairperson to obtain replacements of any committee members.


Historical Committee

  1. The committee shall consist of at least two members of the church.

  2. The duties of this committee shall be to maintain a current written synopsis of church history consisting of important events, dates or other activities worthy of reporting.

  3. The historian shall give a written report at the monthly business meeting and attend council meetings.

  4. Resignations from this committee shall be given to the chairperson who shall inform the church. Resignations from the chairperson will be given to the clerk in writing. All resignations will be accepted without discussion or vote.

E. It is the duty of the chairperson to obtain replacements of any committee members. 


Kitchen Committee

  1. The committee shall consist of at least four members of the church.

  2. This committee will be responsible to host the monthly fellowship suppers or dinners.

  3. This Committee may be called on for other church activities where refreshments are served.

  4. They will be responsible for preparing the fellowship hall to accommodate the function scheduled.

  5. They shall insure proper cleanup of the facilities. Maintaining the kitchen in a clean and sanitary condition is a prime responsibility.

  6. The chairperson will be responsible for maintaining adequate supplies on hand at all times.

  7. The chairperson shall give a written report to the church at the regular business meeting and attend council meetings.

  8. Resignations from this committee shall be given to the chairperson who shall inform the church. Resignations from the chairperson will be given to the clerk in writing. All resignations will be accepted without discussion or vote.

  9. It is the duty of the chairperson to obtain replacements of any committee members.


Media (Public Relations) Committee

  1. The committee shall consist of at least the pastor and church secretary.

  2. They shall advertise the church and special events through the medium of the press, radio and other suitable means to make known the work and ministry of the church in the community.

  3. The committee shall be responsible for arrangements for meals and lodging for special guests of the church, in private homes or local motels and restaurants, whichever is deemed most suitable.

  4. The chairperson shall give a written report to the church at the monthly business meeting.

  5. Resignations from this committee will be accepted without discussion or vote.



A. See Constitution and Bylaws


Music Committee

  1. The committee shall consist of the music director, choir director, organist, pianist, Audio-Visual Committee representative, and any alternate musicians deemed necessary by the music director.

  2. The music director will oversee all music and lead the congregational singing. The choir director shall direct the choir in practice and all special choir music.

  3. The committee will have charge of all matters connected with the music of the church. It shall cooperate with the pastor in recommending suitable persons for the special music for all worship services, with the exception of special group music presentations.

  4. Approval of the church is required for special group presentations.

  5. The music director shall give a written report at the regular monthly business meeting.

  6. Resignations from the committee will be given to the director who will inform the church. Should the resignation be from the director they will inform the clerk who will in turn inform the church. Resignations from this committee will be accepted without discussion or vote.

  7. It is the duty of the chairperson to obtain replacements of any committee members.


Nominating Committee

  1. See Constitution and Bylaws

  2. The nominating committee shall select a chairperson for each committee to be presented in the April business meeting.

  3. Chairpersons in turn will submit their committee members to the nominating committee as soon as possible, but no later than June 1st.

  4. Resignations from this committee shall be given to the chairperson who shall inform the church. Resignations from the chairperson will be given to the clerk in writing. All resignations will be accepted without discussion or vote.



  1. The committee shall consist of three members of the church.

  2. Nursery workers shall have approved background checks.

  3. They shall be responsible for coordinating the total care of the nursery, obtaining nursery workers and maintaining adequate supplies needed for the operation of the nursery.

  4. The nursery should always be supervised by two adults.

  5. The chairperson shall give a written report to the church at the regular business meeting.

  6. Resignations from this committee shall be given to the chairperson who shall inform the church. Resignations from the chairperson will be given to the clerk in writing. All resignations will be accepted without discussion or vote.

G. It is the duty of the chairperson to obtain replacements of any committee members. 



A. See Constitution and Bylaws



A. need job description


Sunday School Director

A. The Sunday School department shall consist of a Sunday School director, an assistant director, and one teacher for each age level of teaching needed.

B. Classes will be as follows:





18 – 39 YEARS OF AGE

40 - 59 YEARS OF AGE



C. There shall also be at least three alternate Sunday School teachers.

D, Sunday School teachers and alternates for Preschool through Youth shall have approved background checks.

  1. The Sunday School director, or in his/her absence the assistant director, shall be in charge of ordering supplies for the classes and general oversight of the Sunday School department.

  2. The Sunday School director or assistant shall give a written report to the church at each monthly business meeting and attend council meetings.

  3. The department shall actively seek to promote growth through promotion, programs, visitation or other means to accomplish the task.

G. Resignations from this department shall be given in writing to the Sunday School director, who shall inform the church at the next business meeting. Resignations from the Sunday School director will be given to the clerk in writing. All resignations are to be accepted without discussion or vote.


Telephone Contact Committee

  1. The committee shall consist of at least three committee members.

  2. They shall be responsible for contacting members of the church and others when necessary.

  3. The chairperson will implement the contacting of members. In the absence of the chairperson, the pastor, the pastor’s wife or a deacon may implement the calling members.

  4. The chairperson will give a written report to the church at the regular monthly business meeting.

  5. Resignations from this committee shall be given to the chairperson who shall inform the church. Resignations from the chairperson will be given to the clerk in writing. All resignations will be accepted without discussion or vote.

  6. It is the duty of the chairperson to obtain replacements of any committee members.



  1. See Constitution and Bylaws.

  2. Resignation from the treasurer will be given to the clerk in writing. All resignations will be accepted without discussion or vote.



  1. See Constitution and Bylaws.

  2. All resignations will be accepted without discussion or vote.



  1. See Constitution and Bylaws.

  2. Resignations from this committee shall be given to the chairperson who shall inform the church. Resignations from the chairperson will be given to the clerk in writing. All resignations will be accepted without discussion or vote.

  3. It is the duty of the chairperson to obtain replacements of any committee members.


Visitation Committee

  1. The committee shall consist of no less than six members; one being the evangelism and missions chairperson, and one being the Sunday School director or assistant director.

  2. The committee shall assist the pastor in church visitation and shall contact persons who have visited the church. They also visit the church members who have been absent when the cause of the absence is not known.

  3. During inclement weather the committee shall maintain telephone contact if a personal visit cannot be made.

  4. A record of contacts and visits should be kept and furnished to the pastor, so he may be aware of pastoral ministry.

  5. This committee shall lead in any special visitation projects involving the church.

  6. The chairperson shall give a written report to the church at the regular monthly business meeting.

  7. Resignations from this committee shall be given to the chairperson who shall inform the church. Resignations from the chairperson will be given to the clerk in writing. All resignations will be accepted without discussion or vote.

  8. It is the duty of the chairperson to obtain replacements of any committee members.


Youth Committee

  1. The committee shall consist of at least three members.

  2. They shall coordinate, direct, and sponsor the activities of the youth in church related functions.

  3. All church sponsored activities must be approved by the church.

  4. The chairperson shall give a written report to the church at the regular monthly business meeting.

  5. Resignations from this committee shall be given to the chairperson who shall inform the church. Resignations from the chairperson will be given to the clerk in writing. All resignations will be accepted without discussion or vote.

G. It is the duty of the chairperson to obtain replacements of any committee members.


July 2015